After the end of the Indus Valley Civilization there is a surprising absence of art of any great degree of sophistication until the Buddhist era. It is thought that this partly reflects the use of perishable organic materials such as wood. The Vedic era in India refers to the historical era when the Vedas (the oldest scriptures in the Hindu religion) were composed.

The Vedas (Sanskrit: veda, "knowledge") are a large body of knowledge texts originating in the ancient Indian subcontinent. Composed in Vedic Sanskrit, the texts constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. Hindus consider the Vedas to be apauruṣeya, which means "not of a man, superhuman" and "impersonal, authorless". Vedas are also called śruti ("what is heard") literature.

The image shown is the oldest manuscript of Vedas dating back to 1464 AD.

Source : and BORI Pune.

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